Search the database below using the project number (excluding the “P-“) search term. One of the other search terms may also be used: licensee name; project name; or development name. The column on the right side of the table provides a link to the pre-populated Form 80 for each development at the project. You must select and download a Form 80 for each development to enter data.
For projects that have multiple developments, a Form 80 will be listed for each development. Select the PDF for the desired development. Single development projects will have only one form listed. If you are unable to locate a Form 80 for your project please contact FERC staff for assistance. When downloading, try to use the current version of your browser (we have seen problems with older versions of IE and Chrome). You must save the PDF to your computer and complete the data entry process off-line. Follow the rules below when preparing each form and making your eFiling.
Failure to follow the rules above will result in an error message, or your filing may be rejected via eFiling. If you wish to include a cover letter, data collection methods, or other explanatory documents with the filing, you must file them separately using eFiling. If you have any questions please contact Mark Ivy at 202-502-6156.